UPPER VOICES CHOIR is mainly for youth in high school. You should be a soprano or alto, of any gender. Here, you get to take greater responsibility for your part and for the way the choir works together. The track suits you who have sung quite a lot in choirs, want to take your singing to the next level, and maybe want to join YOUTH CHOIR in a year or so.
Age: ca 13–16 years
Choir experience: Good
Sheet music reading: Some knowledge
Participation fee: 500 SEK/participant
Participants should be very well rehearsed on the sheet music at camp start.
Soprano, alto (any gender)
Track Info
The track starts on Saturday June 14 and ends with Choirs in Concert on Wednesday June 18 around noon.
Participates in the following concerts:
Festival Concert – Tuseday June 17, Scandinavium
Choirs in Concert – Wednesday June 18, Concert Hall
→ Repertoire & Sheet Music Archive
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→ Booking Info & Final Booking (available spring 2025)
→ About Your Camp Days (available spring 2025)
13 years or older without adult
Child under 13 years with adult
13 years or older with adult
Adult non-playing/-singing
Access the Sheet Music Archive
To get an idea of the difficulty level of the track, it is good to look through the sheet music. Fill in your name and email address below to gain access to the archive.
The sheet music archive is mainly updated during November to February, but some pieces may come in later and there may also be adjustments closer to the camp. It is your own responsibility to log into the archive on an ongoing basis to keep yourself up to date.
NB! Remember to download/print the sheet music and practice it before camp, and to bring it to camp.
Debussy: Vi fick lämna våra hem (Swedish lyrics Eva Åkerberg/Gerd Román)
Trad.: Shenandoah
Nilsen: Danse, ikke gråtenå (arr Fuglseth)
Neske: Mironczarnia
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Lacrimosa ur Requiem
Vangelis:Conquest of Paradise
AliceTegnér: Ute blåser sommarvind (arr Tormod Tvete Vik)
Nils-Petter Ankarblom: Silvertunga
Menken: Esmeraldas Bön from ’Hunchback of Notre Dame’ (Swlyrics M. Forsberg, arr D. Möller)
Wroldsen et al: Symphony (Clean Bandit/Zara Larsson) (arr Tormod Tvete Vik)
Trad.: Bonse Aba (arr Matia Costantin)
Tormod Tvete Vik: Två hjärtan slår samma slag from ’Bubblor’ (lyrics Mats Kjelbye)
Coldplay: Sida vid Sida (Fix You) (Swedish lyrics Malin Aghed, arr Tormod Tvete Vik)
Birgitta Mannerström-Molin
Birgitta is a choir director and song teacher in Gothenburg and teaches at the Academy of Music and Drama as well as Hvitfeldtska music high school, She is also the project manager of SKUR – Sweden's church choir association's youth choir. In 2016 she was named Sweden's Children and Youth Choir Leader of the Year and today she is a well received guest conductor throughout the country. Birgitta helped establish El Sistema in Sweden and is one of Side by Side's artistic advisers.
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Booking Info & Final Booking (spring 2025)
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Lägerfotograf t.o.m. 2023 Francis Löfvenholm
Lägerfotograf fr.o.m. 2024 Thom Estifanos
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