Concert Program
Side by Side 2025
Concert Program
Welcome our magical concert days this summer!
Side by Side: Beginners in Concert
Sunday June 15, 11.30-ca 12.15
Monday June 16, ca 15.15-ca 15.30
Side by Side: Festival Concert
Tuesday June 17, 15.00-ca 16.30
Side by Side: Wind & String in Concert
Tuesday June 17, 19.30-ca 20.15
Stora Salen, Konserthuset
Side by Side: Choirs in Concert
Wednesday June 18, 12.30-ca 13.30
Stora Salen, Konserthuset
Side by Side: Open Choir in Concert
Wednesday June 18, 14.30-ca 15.15
Götaplatsfoajén, Konserthuset
Wednesday June 18, 19.00-ca 20.45 inc. break
Stora Salen, Konserthuset
NB! You who are a paying participant at the camp will receive special information regarding the concerts, the tickets and any seat-bookings via email. If you have any questions, please contact sidebyside@gso.se
Festival Concert
Tuesday June 17, 15.00-ca 16.30
Welcome to take part in a magical musical experience where the camp's over 2,000 young musicians and singers come together with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra in a powerful musical manifestation.
During Festival Concert, Side by Side's singers and musicians perform together with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra. They form massive choirs and orchestras in various combinations and mixed ages, all under the direction of the camp's renowned conductors Ron Davis Alvarez, Emilia Hoving, Marjolein Vermeeren, Ida Rosén Hamrå and Birgitta Mannerström-Molin.
This year's program includes, among other things, Alice Tegnér's beloved Ute blåser sommarvind for choir and orchestra, classical pieces by Mozart, Bernstein and Brahms, as well as gradiose film music in Vangelis' Conquest of Paradise. In addition to this, the traditional sailor's song Wellerman makes a fond return together with Zara Larsson's Symphony.
The concert also boasts the premiere of Två hjärtan, composed by Tormod Tvete Vik. He wrote the basic melody for the performance Bubblor, which was performed in 2023, but now the music has been rearranged for the massive Side by Side orchestra and given a beautiful text by Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra’s own Mats Kjelbye.
The concert marks the end of the camp for the UPPER INTERMEDIATE, INTERMEDIATE, and BASIC ORCHESTRA.
Participating: All camp participants are part of the concert in varying degrees, incl Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Price: 180 SEK (Youth up to 29 years or full-time student 80 SEK)
Booking: Limited number of seats
Closing Concert
Wednesday June 18, 19.00-ca 20.45 inc. break
Stora Salen, Konserthuset
Welcome to conclude Side by Side and the Concert Hall’s spring season together with the virtuosos of tomorrow and Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra in this powerful symphony concert in the Great Hall. The program offers, among other things, music from Stravinsky, Bernstein and Munktell.
Advanced and Pre-advanced Orchestra are Side by Side’s musical spearhead and during the evening they form a double symphony orchestra together with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra. Accompanied by Youth Choir and Gothenburg Symphony’s Vocal Ensemble, they offer, among other things, Brorodin’s Prins Igor and Mozart’s very last work, the unforgettable Lacrimosa from Requiem. All under the direction of conductors Emilia Hoving and Marjolein Vermeeren, and choir conductor Birgitta Mannerström Molin.
The evening’s musical procession includes well-known pieces such as Bernstein’s Mambo and an excerpt from Helena Munktell’s Suite Dalécarlienne. The program also boasts music by both Clyne and Copland. Of course, there will be some movie magic too, this time with a piece from Jurassic Park by the masterful John Williams. Music from Stravinsky’s magnificent ballet The Firebird then concludes the concert, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra’s spring season, and the entire Side by Side 2025.
Participating: ADVANCED ORCHESTRA, PRE-ADVANCED ORCHESTRA, YOUTH CHOIR, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Gothenburg Symphony Vocal Ensemble
Price: 180 SEK (Youth up to 29 years or full-time student 80 SEK)
Booking: Limited number of seats
Choirs in Concert
Wednesday June 18, 12.30-ca 13.30
Stora Salen, Konserthuset
Welcome to the choir lovers’ favorite concert! Choirs in Concert is Side by Side’s big choir concert with over 300 young singers on stage!
There will be languidly beautiful a cappella tones when the youth choir performs Arnesen’s Even When He Is Silent and Lindgren’s popular Pingst (Pentecost), while the camp’s large children’s choirs offer everything from pop to musicals. The program includes, among other things, the enchanting Vindens Barn (Children of the Wind) and Song of Hope, both written by Susanna Lindmark, as well as a favorite from the 2018 camp: Zara Larsson’s Symphony.
Choirs in Concert is led by Birgitta Mannerström Molin and Ida Rosén Hamrå.
Participating: CHILDREN’S CHOIR, PRE-UPPER VOICES CHOIR, UPPER VOICES CHOIR, YOUTH CHOIR, musicians from Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Price: 80 SEK
Booking: Limited number of seats
Wind & String in Concert
Tuesday June 17, 19.30-ca 20.15
Stora Salen, Konserthuset
Welcome to conclude Side by Side's festival Tuesday at Gothenburg Concert Hall, where we offer a really intense musical experience!
Wind & String Orchestra is a string orchestra, a wind orchestra, and a symphony orchestra, all in one! In addition to gorgeous pieces for full orchestra by Pinar Toprak and Soon Hee Newbold, we hear Holst's languishing Song Without Words and Coleman's Umoja for brass band. The string orchestra will perform Tchaikovsky's beautiful Elegy and there will also be music composed by local celebrity Elfrida Andrée, one of the 19th century's female pioneers.
The wind orchestra and the symphony orchestra are conducted by Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra's Marjolein Vermeeren and the string orchestra is led by Terje Skomedal.
Price: 80 SEK
Booking: Limited number of seats
Pop-up Concert
Monday June 16, ca 15.15-ca 15.30
Welcome to a lovely outdoor concert at Götaplatsen where 600 participants perform music they have learned at the camp.
What started as a flash mob at Götaplatsen has developed into a standing and much appreciated feature during Side by Side. During the Pop-up Concert you get a taste of some of the songs from Festival Concert as well as catchy folk music.
Wind & String and Upper Intermediate Orchestra perform together with Upper Voices, Pre-Upper Voices and Children’s Choir.
Under the leadership of Marjolein Vermeeren, Ida Rosén Hamrå, Sten Källman, Johannes Bergil and Jenny Gustafsson.
The Pop-up Concert is very short. Don’t be late or you’ll miss the party!
Price: Free
Booking: No reservation needed
Beginners in Concert
Sunday June 15, 11.30-ca 12.15
Welcome to a cozy lunch concert where Side by Side's youngest participants from BEGINNERS' choir and orchestra share everything they have learned. For some, it's their first musical performance ever. The first of many, we hope!
The participants are beginners in wood, string and brass instruments as well as children singing in choirs. The concert offers a mixed repertoire for all ages.
Participating: Beginners' (orchestra & choir)
Price: Free
Booking: No reservation needed
Open in Concert
Wednesday June 18, 14.30-ca 15.15
Götaplatsfoajén, Konserthuset
Welcome to a magical moment in the lovely Götaplats foyer together with the children and young people from Open Choir.
Come and be drawn into their joyful energy as they sing and play together under the direction of Magnus Marchinkowski Pettersson. Easy-going, cheerful and danceable!
Participating: OPEN CHOIR
Price: 80 SEK
Booking: Limited number of seats
#sidebysidegoteborg #sbsgbg2025
Svenskt org. nr 556313-1027Europeiskt momsnummer – VAT no SE556313102701
Lägerfotograf t.o.m. 2023 Francis Löfvenholm
Lägerfotograf fr.o.m. 2024 Thom Estifanos
Lägerfotograf fr.o.m. 2024 Lennart Wiman
© Copyright Göteborgs Symfoniker 2024